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作者:杨梦云 发布时间:2024-10-17 点击数: 来源:


序号 第一作者 论文题目 发表刊物
发表时间 论文收录/转载情况
1 廖瑞华 An Exploratory Study on Two-Dimensional Project Management Maturity Model Engineering Management 2023年1月 SCI
2 肖升 Read-Write Dependency Aware Register Allocation Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2023年1月 SCI
3 汪政 Artificial intelligence-based detection and assessment of ascites on CT scans EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2023年8月 SCI
4 杨梦云 ITRPCA: a new model for computational drug repositioning based on improved tensor robust principal component analysis Frontiers in Genetics 2023年9月 SCI
5 汤希玮 Predicting plant miRNA-lncRNA interactions via a deep learning method IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 2023年10月 SCI
6 姜明芳 Image Encryption Using a New Hybrid Chaotic Map and Spiral Transformation ENTROPY 2023年12月 SCI
7 汪政 Approaching expert-level accuracy for differentiating ACL tear types on MRI with deep learning SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024年1月 SCI
8 刘志敏 Critical Density for K-Coverage Under Border Effects in Camera Sensor Networks With Irregular Obstacles Existence IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2024年2月 SCI
9 汪政 Automated detection of otosclerosis with interpretable deep learning using temporal bone computed tomography images HELIYON 2024年4月 SCI
10 汪政 Computer-Aided Assessment of Repigmentation Rates in Vitiligo Patients: Implications for Treatment Efficacy - A Retrospective Study JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 2024年5月 SCI
11 汪政 Smart diabetic foot ulcer scoring system SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024年5月 SCI
12 周聪 Dynamic Multi-objective Service Function Chain Placement Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2024年8月 SCI
13 周聪 UAV Path Planning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning 8th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering 2024年8月 EI
14 苏命峰 未来教育视角下现代信息技术支持的高职STEAM教学研究
湖南科学技术出版社 2024年3月 专著